UPDATE Valley Swim Club Racism

So now the story has made the major media outlets: ABC news, CNN and others. But the best news is that Senator Arlen Specter is launching an investigation into the club’s practices. Keep at it, Senator.

UPDATED with video link: CNN showed a little boy named Marcus Allen crying as he told the story of what was said to him. I want to cry, too.

11 responses to “UPDATE Valley Swim Club Racism

  1. What a joke. When 3 predominantly white day care’s are told that they can’t come to the club because of overcrowding then it’s just another day. But when a predominantly black day care gets told the same thing for the same reason well then stop the presses, that’s racist.

    White America – you simply cannot win, even when the rules are applied evenly across races, you are still racist toward the non-white group.

    So my suggestion would be to just screw it and do what you want. If you get accused of being racist then who cares? You’re going to get accused anyway so what’s the point?

    Let the Democratic Senator waste his time getting involved. He’s only trying to shore up that African American voting bloc that the Democrats have created because he’s on the ropes right now and in real danger of losing the next election.

    Nice way to create the news, CNN.

  2. If they were told that overcrowding would be a problem before they came, then no problem. It seems to be a convenient excuse to justify why black kids should be excluded…especially considering the comments that were made . The pool should have figured out some way to deal with the crowding if that was truly the issue, and then disallow camps in the future. If all those memberships were available, as the Club’s sign and voicemail indicate, then that is another reason to doubt that crowding was ever the issue at all.

  3. Several other day cares were turned away in the past, but they were predominantly white so nobody cares. Now that a day care with black children was turned away it’s a BIG story.

    Hopefully the owner issues a “no comment” statement to any other media-vultures looking for blood to sell. God willing he has enough money to hire a PR firm and possibly a lawyer. By the time that Al and Jesse and the other race-hustlers get done with him he’ll be through without those resources. Good luck to the owner. You are going to need it.

    • CR, They are being accused of racism because the kids actually heard some of the people saying offensive things.

  4. I have found no information on white camps being turned away in the past… would you post a link to that info?

  5. Let me make a statement and an observation. The news report said that 60 kids showed up. That’s a lot of kids no matter what their racial makeup. Also, I will have to say that groups of AA kids tend to be loud – no bias intended just an observation I’ve noticed many times before at our own subdivision pool. I wouldn’t care what color they were but if there were 60 of them being loud, I would want them to leave, too.

  6. CR is so typical. There is no information on white camps being turned away. Every since Obama was elected the white populace’s true colors are showing. A good portion of them are piping hot that “he” won the election.

    It’s not about “white people you just can’t win”, it’s about black people not willing to stand for racist nonsense anymore. This is not the 60’s so don’t think just because you are white you can get away with anything because you cannot. Pulling this kind of stunt on the wrong black person will get you hurt.

    It tickles me when I see some white women clutching their purses close when a black person walks by them. One tried that with me and I just burst out laughing. When she opened the door to an old late 90 model corolla, I told her I just pity you because you clearly don’t have much. She looked like a fool when I deactivated the alarm to my brand new limited edition SUV. For some odd reason, white people cannot fathom that black people have great careers and make good money.

    Good luck to that woman and the garbage she owns. Looks like she will need all her purse can give in order to make it.

  7. Maureen Rogers

    Get real. Sitting there at your nice swim club with your kids all swimming and playing nice and all of sudden 150 black kids show up raising all kinds of hell and all kinds of crap. What are the paying members supposed to think?

  8. Yeah, old “Spincster” jumps on this but does NOTHING about the debt he and his cronies are creating.
    Can you say…HYPOCRITE???

  9. The CNN reporter stated that the club claimed that two (not three) other “non-minority” day care contracts had been canceled previously. No other details were given. One would think that if this had really happened twice before, the club would have known not to be signing any more day care contracts. Sounds like a lame excuse to me, especially given the club’s comment that these kids changed the “complexion” of the pool.

  10. 1. Steve, If the kids were being so loud, there is an interim step before asking them to leave. Like, say, just asking them to ….oh, I don’t know…quiet down???

    2. Susan, sitting together is fine. Women tend to sit together, men tend to sit together, old people tend to sit together. Of course. It’s when you say “you can’t sit here because you are different” that you run into trouble. And even if everyone is racist, it doesn’t make it ok.

    3. Cliff, being a hypocrite means saying one thing and doing the opposite. National debt and racism are not opposing situations.

    4. Maureen, it was 60 or 65 kids, not 150. And if they didn’t want that many kids there, they shouldn’t have signed the contract. It’s not that hard to imagine that 65 kids would make it less quiet at the pool. At the barest minimum, the pool’s management is extremely moronic.

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