Tag Archives: John Avlon

Yep, the Republicans are Racists

Well, not all of them, of course.

I have long felt that there was a lot of racism in the Republican Party. But I always felt it was of the more subtle kind—like not realizing that certain assumptions they make imply racism. Well, that has all gone out the window.

In his blog on The Daily Beast, John Avlon reports on some horribly racist statements made by Young Republicans on Facebook, and the ensuing fallout from that.

There are SO many disturbing things here, but to me the worst thing is that NOTHING is happening to Audra Shay or anyone else who failed to react to these statments. You cannot call yourself the “Party of Lincoln”, claim that Sarah Palin is “attacked” only because she is a woman, and then stand idly by while racist statements are made in defense of your party and politics. If the party wants to rehabilitate itself at all, it needs to fire these people immediately.

Shay’s response said

“I immediately deleted the derogatory and outright disgusting comments and subsequently posted a statement on my Facebook Status stating that in no way, shape or form are the comments posted by other individuals a reflection of me or my beliefs as an American, a Veteran, a Mother or a Candidate. I do not, nor would I ever, condone that type of language or behavior.”

To me, that falls FAR short of saying want needs to be said, loud and clear for all to hear: that racist language has no place in the Republican Party, and those who insist on using it should feel free to leave. The party could win back a lot of now-independent voters with that one simple statement, but I suspect that many in the party are afraid of losing any remaining loyalists. Let’s see if they have the guts.