Tag Archives: Ted Kennedy

Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett and the Dead Pool

So Ed McMahon died. Farrah Fawcett died. And now, Michael Jackson died.

Which leads us to the grim, inevitable question: Who’s next?

Look, I’m not rejoicing in the loss of anybody. But every year, celebrities die, and there is always an ensuing media spectacle for them, while people who do good every day get ignored. So let’s have a little fun with this.

I can think of three celebs circling the drain right now :

Walter Cronkite, who truly contributed to journalism and should be remembered when he passes, but will probably be upstaged by Jackson;
Patrick Swayze, who does seem like a decent human being but will no doubt upstage Cronkite; and
Ted Kennedy, who, if any justice is done, will be allowed to lie in state in the Capitol when the time comes.

All three are well documented as being very sick, so none of these will come as a surprise in the coming days, weeks or months. The end of summer usually brings us one hugely surprising tragic death though, and I don’t think Jackson will be the end of it. Maybe a major athlete? Another pop star–maybe Britney? Or, what if, God forbid, Michael J. Fox? Or even worse (for me)… a royal????

What are your guesses?